Our Go Sailing app helps you find crew or apply to be crew on other skippers trips. There are also sailing related social events, seminars, and sailing lessons on the app. Go Sailing is the best free sailing app for connecting to your local sailing & boating community.
How it Works
Are You a Club Member?
Are you a member of any of these Sailing or Yacht Clubs?
The GO SAILING app makes it easy to connect and enjoy sailing with other club members.
Key Features

Looking For A Ride?
Browse available trips and apply to your favorite ones

Looking for Crew?
Post a crew request and sit back as applications come in.

Communicate Effectively
Use trip messages to effectively plan and communicate with your crew.

Manage Your Sailing Profile
Keep track of your sailing history, people you sail with, certifications & more.

The Go Sailing app is available to download for free and no membership is required..
There are versions for iOS available at the Apple App Store, for Android at the Google Play Store, and you can access the app using your browser via online.gosailingapp.com.